MIDISID Monday 20 Jun : playing with sound

In one respect it doesn't seem as if we're very much further on than last week because what I have to demonstrate are the parameters within polyphonic mode. If you liked the animated visualisation of the ADSR envelope last week, then this is more of the same, but this time a proper run-through of all of the parameters that make the SID the legendary synthesiser on a chip that it is.

We now also have animated representations of the Pulse Width, Pulse Width Modulation, Filtering, Vibrato. Tuning is also incorporated with fine and coarse controls. 

In other respects we've made leaps forward and the finished product seems closer. I've done a lot of work on the boards. As the output circuit really needs 9v, I've added a 9v jack / battery clip and regulator and put all the ports neatly at the back. 

Incidentally, with the audio circuitry powered from a good 9v source and the chips powered by regulated 5v from that. the audio output is way better than when driving the whole lot from a USB cable.

There are also proper connectors for a stemma cable connecting the two boards (the top board will function as a '4-push-button-encoders-and-128x32-screen' module for the pico). I've finally added the mounting holes so that they can be neatly and securely sandwiched together. 

There will be a nice engraved face plate on top with the knobs protruding and and screen visible. I now have a logo for it, drawing on the MIDI and MOS logos. 


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