Theremin Thursday - MIDI output working but not optimal

 I've spent a little time getting MIDI output from my little theremin. I thought it would be possible using pitch bend to adjust the frequency between the midi notes (semitone steps). Good news, this is working well. Bad news, I hadn't considered the envelope of the notes. The 'steps' you hear are the attack/decay of each new note beginning.

I hadn't considered this issue.  It might be possible to use a sound that has no envelope. There may still be a very slight click between notes, but shouldn't be too noticeable.  However, I don't want to require a specific type of sound. It  would be ideal if it could work with any sound patch.

Is it necessary to 'note off / note on'  from one semitone to the next? Just sending note ons doesn't work because you end up with a cacophony of each note still sounding. 

I've done a little reading and it's not looking promising. There is a concept of portamento in midi, but this isn't standard. 

More reading and more experimentation needed. It's disappointing that this isn't going to work as easily / effectively  as I'd hoped.


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